I Need a Hug

You know, sometimes I feel like the little girl who was frightened by a great storm in the middle of the night, and she called out to her daddy in the next room. Her daddy came in and said: “Why are you afraid, don’t you know that God is with you and He’ll take care of you?” And she said, “Yes daddy, I know God loves me and He’ll take care of me, but right now I need someone with skin on to love me!”

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I need “someone with skin on to love me”. I don’t doubt God’s presence for one moment – never have. I trust Him that things are going to work out. But there’s moments that I need to hear an audible voice tell me it’s going to be OK – to feel a physical embrace.

I feel that way today……..

And that’s where the church comes in….God’s love with skin on.

In the Bonds of Calvary,

4 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. erika
    Nov 22, 2008 @ 20:56:27

    {{{{{{{big hug!}}}}}}}


  2. Rebekah
    Nov 23, 2008 @ 00:22:29

    Right back at you!!!!!!!!!!!


  3. brenda
    Nov 24, 2008 @ 02:09:27

    As if I don’t get sad enough about being away, you have to go and post this!!! i think that when I get there on Thursday I am going to squeeze you so tight that your head might pop off!!!
    I love you!

    ps… if Jayme was going to be a good granddaughter in law, she would probably practice regular hugging to ensure that you did not feel this lonliness.


  4. jayme
    Nov 24, 2008 @ 15:43:04

    I give you regular hugs, if I was to give you anymore than people would start to wonder!?!?!? So, if you ever need more hugs, I am always here.
    But thanks for the concern B.


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